Cheeka Road, Siwan (Kaithal) Aff No.-530362

About Our School


Toword the end of the nineteenth century when india lay in a socio-plitical ferment, it was maharishi dayanand saraswati, the great torchbeares of india renaissance, who founded the arya samaj with a call “BACK TO VEDAS”. He gave the guiding principles of the arya samaj & also propounded the national system of education . his dream was realized when the first DAV school at lahorewa opened in 1886 with mahatma hans raj ji as honorary headmaster. After independence it was shifted to ambala city andmany more schools and colleges were started.

Principal's Message


At DAV Siwan we try to equip our children with 21st century skills and encourage them to adapt and adjust to their environment and try to enrich it. We try to teach our children to be gentle with gentle people and tough with tough, teach them to listen to all men but to filter all he hears on an anvil of truth and take only the best that comes through. We teach them to close their ears to howling mob but to stand and fight if they think they are right, teach them to sell his brawn and brain to the highest bidder but never put a price tag on his heart and soul,

Important Message by
DAV Management

Olympiad Registration is open for more details please visit -http://davcae.net.in/

contact us

Cheeka Road Siwan,

Haryana 136033
Phone : 9416383703
E-Mail : dav.siwan@gmail.com

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